IPL Photofacial

What Is IPL?

IPL = Intense Pulsed Light treatment, also referred to as “Photofacial” 

IPL is a technology to perform skin treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. 

A handheld device is passed across the skin’s surface delivering pulses of broad-spectrum light to the deep layers of the skin. Since the handheld device employs a light to influence the skin on a molecular level, there is no need for any incisions or injections. You can think of it as a blinking flashlight, sending out scattered wavelengths of light, making an IPL a skin treatment that is very targeted for specific problem areas or skin concerns.

Benefits Of IPL Treatment

  • Brown spots, sunspots from sun exposure, rosacea, age spots, and skin texture.

  • Alleviate dermatologic conditions like acne.

  • Effective, affordable, and non-invasive treatment.

  • Gentle procedure without downtime.


The Forever You Experience

Our professional staff will first cleans the target area and apply a topical anesthetic cream if needed. The physician will use Spectrum IPL System to operate on your targeted area. A soothing facial mask will help to calm your skin. You’re free to go home and resume your normal daily activities right away after the procedure. Post care kit is included.